Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mission- Totally Possible!

ALL my life I've heard about missionaries. After I started going to church as a teen, I began to learn about them. As an adult, I began to get really curious about them. How do they do it? I understand the why... definitely understand they why, but the how? Not so much. Then I remembered,

All things are possible with Christ! 
Then it get fascinating... the more you learn the more you want to learn!

SOOOO, let me tell you about one...

Zach Peters went on a mission trip in 2005. That's when it all began for him...

FIrst he thought he was just going on a 1 week mission trip. He had a great job, went to church, felt like he was doing what he was supposed to do. But, little did Zach know, God had bigger plans for Him! During that first trip to Honduras, Zach fell in love with Honduras and its people.  That's how it starts... God tugs at your heart and you know there is something more, and you feel it deeper and stronger than anything else before. He couldn't get Honduras off his heart or mind.

So, in 2006, Zach went on another mission trip, this time for 2 weeks.

Then, in 2007 he went again, this time for 6 months

He was done. He knew then that short, or even long mission trips weren;t enough anymore. 
His hearts desire, planted by God Himself, was to do it FULL TIME.

He's been there ever since, yep, 4 years later, Zach still lives in Honduras, ministering to the people there  every day, all year long. He's supported by and works with Good Samaratin Baptist Mission, but that doesn't mean he has it easy. However, the sacrifices are worth it to him. They have a church with 37 regular members, some who walk an hour an a half to attend services each Sunday. There is also a Christian School whose students are supported via sponsorships in the States. (For info on sponsoring a child in Honduras, click here! You could even go on a mission trip to meet them!) 

Yes, Being in Honduras full time was his calling. But God wasn't finished yet. 

While on mission, Zach met the love of his life... in Honduras!! The sweet and beautiful Rina became his wife, and in 2012 they became parents!  Zach and Rina traveled home to Alabama to have the baby and getting some much needed, well deserved rest during recovery. 

While in the States, we had the privilege of hosting Zach and Rina one Sunday as our guests at our church, and Zach preached and updated us on his mission in Honduras. It was a wonderful day. 

Especially the end of the day... where I had the honor of photographing their sweet baby for his first portraits and their first family portraits as well!! We didn't have much time, as they had to get back on the road, but we squeezed in as much as we could in a short 45 minute little session... here's a little peek at this super sweet, special family!!

Thank you Zach & Rina for all you do!  You will be daily in our thoughts and prayers! God bless you as you begin this new season in life, as a missionary family now ;)  We hope to work alongside you soon!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

So sweet! What a precious little guy.